
Please note that limited bursaries are available in all of our programs for families that are in need of financial assistance. To apply, please complete the Drama School Bursary Form and a Registration Package (links coming soon). Return the completed package via email to YPTDramaSchool@youngpeoplestheatre.org.

Bursary Form

Please note due to varying browser requirements, we recommend downloading and saving the application to your computer first before entering any information. This form is not compatible with Preview (Mac OS). If you do not have the latest version of Adobe Reader installed, you can download it for free here.

If you have any questions, please email us at YPTDramaSchool@youngpeoplestheatre.org.

Special Thanks

Bursaries for the Drama School including the Junior Ensemble and Senior Company are funded in part by generous donations from the following partners: 

The Judy Silver Fund, in memory of former Drama School facilitator, Judy Silver.

The Sabrina Shannon Fund, in memory of Drama School student, Sabrina Shannon.

Donations in support of Drama School Bursaries have also been made in memory of John David Stephenson Wood and AJ “Superhero” Pack.