Marina Gomes

Marina Gomes

Born in Toronto, Marina Gomes is a storyteller who aspires to create work that is innovative, thought provoking and entertaining! Holding her BFA-Acting from the University of Windsor and Master of Teaching from OISE, Marina is excited by how theatre can create community and help us learn from each other. As an artist, she has trained with members of the SITI Company, at Stratford, the Festival Players Academy and has had the privilege of being one of Nightwood’s Young Innovators. Marina has also performed original work throughout Canada; selected acting credits include: Tara in Eraser a New Normal (Theatre Direct); Lexi in Lexi and the Flying B’s (Toronto Fringe); Nora in If the Shoe Fits (Alumnae Theatre); and Tara in Eraser (Eraser Theatre) that was nominated for Outstanding New Play, Outstanding Production, and Outstanding Ensemble at the 2019 Dora Mavor Moore Awards. She feels fortunate to have the best job in the world- working as an Artist Educator with companies like Young People’s Theatre and throughout the GTA.

Q&A with Marina

Name your favourite YPT production:

My favourite YPT production is Jacob Two-Two meets the Hooded Fang in 2003. The reason that this is my favourite production is because I remember watching this show as a child and deciding that not only did I for sure want to become an actor, but I also wanted to work at YPT.  The characters were some of the most remarkable I had ever seen and I wanted a chance to play them.

Describe your favourite Drama School memory.

This is an unfair question, it’s so hard! If I have to choose, I think it would be the time in the Gr. 1-2 class when we were creating character bodies. The students were in groups by genre and creating characters that would belong to those stories. They had worked so hard, that I thought I would provide some music for their ‘character show’ but the Bluetooth wouldn’t connect. As I apologized to the class, they told me that it was ok because they would rather create the sounds themselves. It was spectacular! We had a mini-rehearsal then every group had their own soundscape made by the other students. YPT students are brilliant!

What would the central theme of a play written about you be?

I have to say, I have a terrific family and some amazing friends, all of whom are quite brave and adventurous. So, if there was a play written about my life, of course they would be in it! The theme then would be family and adventure!